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I just uploaded the information. When will you start working on my order?

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Do I pay for the Title and Reference pages?

Are there any discounts available?

How can I get my money back if I do not like the product?

Services We Offer

Is using your service cheating?

Do you sell pre-written papers?

What is your approach toward formatting? I’m not paying for just plain text, right?

Can I ask my previous writer for help?

Will my custom paper be free from plagiarism?

Is PaperDueNow reliable?

How much time is enough for you to finish my paper?

Who are the writers?

What number of pages is appropriate for me?

How can I order papers for free?

Do you complete online assignments?

What types of papers can I order here?

Authorization, Security, Communication, and Revision

Will my personal details remain confidential?

How will I receive my finished paper?

I've forgotten the password to my account? How can I access it?

How can I contact my writer?

How can I get my writer to use specific sources for my order?

How can I get my paper revised?

What is “Authorization”?

I did not get my authorization code

Available Extras

I'd like to know more about the revision options

What if my writer misses the deadline?

How can I order a paper of extra high quality?

Can I become a VIP client and have special preferences?

Does a plagiarism report come along with the paper?

Can I order an Abstract for my paper? Will its quality be appropriate?

How can I get the sources that were used on my paper?

Can my paper have a table of contents/outline?

Can someone proofread the paper after the writer?

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